Title: Fall in Love in the First Kiss
This story is about Xiang Qin, an ordinary girl with a stubborn crush, fell in love with a genious boy, Jiang Zhi Shu. She has been giving up after she poured her feelings to Zhi Shu but rejected cruelly by him. But, everything started to change when her and her family moved to Zhi Shu's house for some reasons. Then, they begin to fall in love with each other.
Second film/episode
Title: Orphan
Kate and John Coleman decided to adopt an orphan child named Esther, after the loss of their third baby. Esther was adored and welcome by their deaf mute daugther but not with their son. Eventually, Kate begins to suspect there is something wrong with Esther. After Kate finally realize the truth, she try to protect her family from Esther who want to kill her family.
Third film/episode
Title: Avatar
In 2154, a paraplegic mariner Jake Sully brought to a moon, Pandora, on a mission to learn about the Na'vi, a himanoid that live there. When he began to feel comfort with the Na'vi and started to fall in love with a Na'vi woman, Colonel Quaritech attacked the Na'vi in order to mine for the precious material below its surface. Then, Jake with all the Na'vi started to unite and strike nack against the Colonel Quaritech and his army to save Pandora.
If I can exist in Avatar, I will appear as Colonel trusted soldier but turn against him at the last time. When the Colonel and his army try to destroy Pandora and let Jake out of the machine that make him can connect with his avatar body, I will try to shoot him in order to protect Jake in the machine. Then, I will runaway to join with the Na'vi to strike back Colonel and his army.
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